Adrift on the Sea of Rains: Apollo Quartet Book 1 [Booktrack Soundtrack Edition] Audiobook | BooksCougar

Adrift on the Sea of Rains: Apollo Quartet Book 1 [Booktrack Soundtrack Edition] Audiobook

Adrift on the Sea of Rains: Apollo Quartet Book 1 [Booktrack Soundtrack Edition] Audiobook



This edition of Adrift on the ocean of Rains is enhanced having a musical soundtrack from Booktrack for an immersive listening experience!

WINNER FROM THE 2013 BSFA AWARD When nuclear battle breaks out and the nations of the planet earth are destroyed, a group of US astronauts are marooned within the lunar surface area. Using the “torsion field generator”, a WWII Nazi Wunderwaffe previously known as the Bell, they hope to find another Earth that didn’t suffer nuclear armageddon. But after they do discover one, how will they come back home? They possess an individual Lunar Module, that may carry only four astronauts into lunar orbit…

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