ScreamFree Marriage: Calming Down, Growing Up, and Getting Closer Audiobook | BooksCougar

ScreamFree Marriage: Calming Down, Growing Up, and Getting Closer Audiobook

ScreamFree Marriage: Calming Down, Growing Up, and Getting Closer Audiobook



Through the best-selling ScreamFree Parenting, Hal Runkel showed thousands of parents how keeping their cool can revolutionize their family life. In his groundbreaking brand-new book, ScreamFree Relationship, Runkel now displays couples how understanding how to stay relaxed, when confronted with common marital issues, is the key to creating and enjoying a deep, lifelong connection.

Every committed couple strives to carry on to the marriage they envisioned back when they first said ‘I do’–before the finish of the on the subject of ScreamFree Marriage: Calming Down, Growing Up, and Getting Closer honeymoon phase, just before kids, mortgages, wellness crises, and all life’s inescapable issues. But the truth is this: conflict is certainly unavoidable–it’s impossible for two people to see every single thing, encounter every concern, and experience every circumstance in exactly the same way. What email address details are lovers ‘screaming’ at each other–sometimes literally yelling out loud, sometimes shutting themselves down and shutting their partners out, and sometimes avoiding the concern altogether–none which leads to the passionate, seductive connection we all crave.

In ScreamFree Relationship, Hal introduces some radical fresh concepts about marriage, teaching lovers how to embrace this inevitable conflict like a deep vehicle for strengthening a married relationship. Rather than just a source of discomfort and disagreement, these ‘Fires of Commitment,’ as Hal details them, can actually be the precise experience had a need to develop couples into fresh levels of maturity and intimacy. Simply by learning the ScreamFree formula of Calming Down, Growing Up, and Getting Closer, you as well can cross through these fires and end up with a closer and more passionate marriage than ever before. Using available anecdotes as well as the disarming laughter that readers attended to love, Runkel disproves prevailing marital intelligence, puts couples on a path to ‘romantic independence’ and reveals a complete new, fresh approach to marriage.

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