Star Wars: The Black Fleet Crisis: Shield of Lies: Book 2 Audiobook | BooksCougar

Star Wars: The Black Fleet Crisis: Shield of Lies: Book 2 Audiobook

Star Wars: The Black Fleet Crisis: Shield of Lies: Book 2 Audiobook



As Leia must deal with a new threat towards the fragile alliance that binds the New Republic, Lando becomes a prisoner aboard a runaway spacecraft of unidentified origin. The dispatch is following an unstoppable path to its homeworld, destroyed by Imperial pushes. Luke proceeds his quest for more information about his mom among the Fallanassi, where his every perception about the use of the Power is about to be challenged. And while Leia ponders a diplomatic solution to the aggression of the brutal Yevetha race, Han pilots a spy dispatch into the heart of Yevethan space and discovers himself a hostage using one of the vast fleet of warships under the command of a ruthless leader.

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