The Different Drum Audiobook | BooksCougar

The Different Drum Audiobook

The Different Drum Audiobook



For a global in Conflict…

New Hope for Wholeness in the present day Age!

A culture of rugged individualists and financial competitors An environment of nuclear politics and uncontrollable forces For many, modern living means loneliness, disaffection, apathy and isolation.

Is there a getaway?

Inside a startling, life-affirming function by one of America’s most important thinkers, Dr. M. Scott Peck examines the idea of community, its origins, its development and most significantly, it’s rewards for modern America. In the program which features segments from a live lecture and narration by the author, Dr. Peck attracts on his first-hand encounters and studies, and leads the way on a journey from isolation to togetherness, towards peace in our society and in the world – for the true fulfillmen of most individuals!

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