Night Storm Audiobook | BooksCougar

Night Storm Audiobook

Night Storm Audiobook



Dear Listener,

You met Alec Carrick in Night Fire. He returns

complete force – and believe me, this man’s got force – in Night time Storm, the 3rd novel of the night time Trilogy which I wrote in nov 1988.

The Paxtons are shipbuilders in Baltimore. Alec Carrick is an English nobleman who wants to get them out. Genny Paxton isn’t at all what she seems. She dresses like “Eugene” and really wants to build her personal sailing ships without male interference. Alec, a guy of great insight, knows just what lies beneath those britches. He gets Genny’s goat more situations than she can count.

That is a love story filled with wit, humor, and outrageous circumstance. It’s got more unexpected spins when compared to a roulette steering wheel. Then there’s five-year-old Hallie, Alec’s little girl, a charmer who’ll snatch your heart rather than let go.

Do enjoy Alec and Genny – and i want to know which of the books in the Night Trilogy you prefer best.

Catherine Coulter

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