The Secret of the Ages Audiobook | BooksCougar

The Secret of the Ages Audiobook

The Secret of the Ages Audiobook



The Secret from the Ages should rightfully be called the original of ‘The Secret.’ It really is among the pioneering functions on the powers of the Common Mind and the unconscious mind. The writer says about this book:

‘The great “Middle Class” must bear the burdens of both poor and the rich- and take what is still left for itself.

It really is to them that I should like to dedicate this book. If I cannot endow libraries or colleges to them, perhaps I can point the best way to get all good gifts to them. about The Secret of the Age groups

For women and men like them don’t need “charity” – or even sympathy. What they perform need is normally inspiration-and opportunity-the kind of inspiration which makes a person go out and create his own opportunity. Which, after all, is the foremost good you can perform anyone. Few people enjoy free gifts. These are like the guy whom admiring townsfolk presented with a watch. He appeared it over critically for one minute. Then-“Where’s the string?” he asked.

But a way to win for themselves the entire measure of achievement they’ve dreamed of but almost halted hoping for-that is something every young few would welcome with open arms. Which is something which, if I can get it done justice, will make the “Eternal Triangle” as rare as it is today common, for it will enable couple to work together-not merely for domestic happiness, but also for business achievement as well. ‘

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