Vincent Price Presents - Volume Four Audiobook | BooksCougar

Vincent Price Presents – Volume Four Audiobook

Vincent Price Presents – Volume Four Audiobook



The Gothic horror tradition of film icon Vincent Price is revived in these twisted radio plays that transplant the very best of the horror genre into innovative and bizarre landscapes for these unforgettable stories, such as horrific transformations, twisting plots, perversions of science, labyrinthine castles, Gothic dread, surreal revelations, and a little unexpected genre-bending. Right now, The Colonial Radio Theater in the Air in colaboration with Bluewater Productions brings you Vincent Cost about Vincent Cost Presents – Volume Four Presents – offering stories of horror and suspense influenced by a few of Mr. Price’s most famous films, aswell as creating brand-new frightening tales with the assistance of his estate. Right now …. turn the lighting out …. relax … and welcome …. to the macabre world of Vincent Cost. WITCHFINDER – Based on a story by Mark L Miller In 1635, Matthew Hopkins was perhaps one of the most notorious witch hunters in documented background. But how did he become such a ruthless persecutor of bad? Discover out why no-one is safe through the wrath of the Witchfinder General within this one-shot prequel to the cult traditional film also known as The Conqueror Worm. PAWNS – Predicated on a story by C Edward Sellner In an first story from the macabre, it’s a story of heroes, monsters and damsels in stress. However in this tale there is nothing quite as it seems… When a youthful biker comes to the save he discovers himself caught up in a fight for his existence. Can he conserve the lady? And if so, who will save him?! ‘Pawns’ is usually a thrill-a-minute tell you the woods! THE GREEN ESTATE – Predicated on a tale by Neal Bailey. It seemed a simple objective: burn off the evil house while holding its demons at bay using Erich Zann’s violin. But they didn’t expect to wake the fantastic Old Types. Behold the consequences of a search for personal revenge in the materials world when demons of another dimension takes see. DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE – Predicated on a tale by Paul J. Salamoff Something has come back for Charlie. It has drawn itself up through the murky depths and its brought loss of life with it. In this terrifying fresh morality tale from Vincent Cost, Charlie and his sister Jillian learn the hard way that sometimes its what you don’t do this comes back to haunt you.

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