Two Birds in a Tree: Timeless Indian Wisdom for Business Leaders Audiobook
Two Birds in a Tree: Timeless Indian Wisdom for Business Leaders Audiobook
- Jim Manchester
- Blackstone Audiobooks
- 2013-10-07
- 6 h 33 min
Looking back again to the ancient knowledge of the Indianscripture, the Upanishads, Ram memory Nidumolu discovers the core school of thought of sustainableleadership that’s needed today. In this exceptional book, he uses a powerfulparable from these scriptures to make a business vision our worlddesperately needs.
“You will find two parrots, two sweet friends, who dwell in theselfsame tree,” says the Upanishads. The firstbird, dwelling on the lower area of the tree, lives “in sorrow and anxiety.”Struggling to see beyond about Two Birds within a Tree: Timeless Indian Wisdom for Business Leaders the branches, it hops around compulsively indulging itsappetites, taking in every fruit, sugary and sour. The additional bird, higher up, cansee the whole tree and the wider world-this perspective places it in touch withits innate sense of being, the grade of existence that it stocks in commonwith all the living beings and the organic world. Articles, it “looks on incompassionate silence” in the other bird.
Ram memory Nidumolu’s beautiful reserve on business leadershipuses this allegory to highlight why many businesses aredistrusted by the general public and contribute to sociable ills like environmentaldestruction, prosperity inequality, and environment modification: they imitate the bird on thelower branch. But can business, compassion, and stewardship really coexist? Ram’ssurprising insight is certainly to hearken back again to historic wisdomtraditions to reclaim their lessons for performing in accordance with our connection toBeing.
Two Birds in aTree uses evocativeparables and tales from the Upanishads to introduce Being-centeredleadership. Being-centered market leaders are guided by an innate sense ofinterconnection-the good of the whole becomes a fundamental element of theirdecisions and actions. Using the encounters of over twenty trailblazing CEOs,aswell as those from his personal life, Nidumolu describes a four-stage road mapevery aspiring innovator can use to reconnect business towards the wider world-to thebenefit of all. It is period, he writes, to “research from our rickety perch onthe lower branch of a storm-tossed tree and commence the journey towards the higherbranch.”