Monster Audiobook | BooksCougar

Monster Audiobook

Monster Audiobook



The main character is a Virtual Game developer, who forces his way into the game. His character can be a beetle who has lost his memory space and doesn’t consider himself a monster.

He starts to update his skills and get different accomplishments. He’s looking to get to the truth as he pieces jointly shards of his recollections, which he can’t completely trust. As his intelligence grows, his recollections are returning.

The realm he falls into can be an underground world, which consists of ten amounts, with different caves, tunnels, and monsters.

The dungeons are filled with hostile beetles of different types, forms, and sizes. There are always a apparent hierarchy and department between them. At exactly the same time, two unlimited wars ‘re going on: one between monsters’ clans, as well as the additional between monsters and human beings.

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