Tragedy and Hope 101: The Illusion of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy Audiobook | BooksCougar

Tragedy and Hope 101: The Illusion of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy Audiobook

Tragedy and Hope 101: The Illusion of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy Audiobook



The information within this book contradicts nearly everything you’ve been resulted in believe about democracy and “representative government.”

Predicated on the groundbreaking study of well known historian Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope 101 unveils an unimaginably devious political system, skillfully manipulated by a small number of elite, which is certainly undermining freedom and democracy as we realize it. The purpose of those who control the system, in Quigley’s personal words, can be to dominate “all habitable servings of the globe.” Using deception, theft, and assault, they have accomplished more toward this goal than any rulers in human history.

However, the info Age is certainly quickly derailing their plans. The immorality of their program, and those who provide it, is becoming nearly impossible to cover up. Awareness and level of resistance are developing…Tragedy is yielding to hope.

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