In the Name of Security Audiobook | BooksCougar

In the Name of Security Audiobook

In the Name of Security Audiobook



The Trial of Alger Hiss, The Trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, THE SITUATION of J. Robert Oppenheimer. On the height from the cool Battle, American democracy was challenged from the anti-Communist atmosphere from the McCarthy period. In the Name of Protection re-opens three well-known spy cases that rocked America between 1948 and 1954: Alger Hiss, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, and J. Robert Oppenheimer. Each hour-long system combines dramatic re-enactments based on initial trial transcripts, archival materials, new evidence, the most recent assessments of American historians and scientists, and the commentaries of relatives and friends from the accused.

An L.A. Theatre Works full-cast efficiency offering John de Lancie, William Frankfather, Arthur Hanket, Ella Joyce, Richard Hoyt Miller, David Hyde Pierce, Amy Pietz, Tom Virtue and Alan Wilder,

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