And The Sun Stood Still Audiobook | BooksCougar

And The Sun Stood Still Audiobook

And The Sun Stood Still Audiobook



Dava Sobel’s thoughtful play brings to life the storyplot of Nicolaus Copernicus, the Renaissance astronomer and mathematician who proposed the heliocentric style of the universe in which the Sunlight stands at the guts. Suffering from self-doubt and threatened by spiritual censure, Copernicus resisted the publication of his function until right before his loss of life in 1543. The play follows Copernicus in those final years as he works to complete his research by using Georg Rheticus, a disciple from about And The Sun Stood Still Wittenberg, Germany.

Includes a discussion with playwright Dava Sobel, writer of “A FAR MORE Great Heaven: How Copernicus Revolutionized the Cosmos.”

Recorded on the Invisible Studios, West Hollywood in February, 2015.

And the Sun Stood Is still component of L.A. Theatre Works’ Relativity Series of science-themed has. Lead financing for the Relativity Series is supplied by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, bridging science and the arts in today’s world.

Directed by Rosalind Ayres

Making Director Susan Albert Loewenberg

Robert Foxworth seeing that Copernicus

Gregory Harrison while Giese

Michael Kirby as Rheticus

Kate Steele as Anna

John Vickery as Bishop Dantsicus

Associate Companies: Anna Lyse Erikson, Myke Weiskopf.

Recording Engineer, Audio Designer, Mixing machine: Mark Holden for The Invisible Studios, West Hollywood.

Editor: Wes Dewberry

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