Author’s Playhouse – Volume 9 Audiobook
Author’s Playhouse – Volume 9 Audiobook
- William Everett, Geraldine Kay
- The Copyright Group Ltd.
- 2019-09-01
- 1 h 0 min
The screenplay writer in Hollywood was a pen-for-hire. Whatever your status somewhere else in the globe right here, in Hollywood, you had been usually a high-paid weekly agreement where your skills, your genius, were on the beck and call of other people who spoke of Artwork but were really mad but we’re actually the mouthpieces of Business.But radio for the Hollywood studio room system was about advertising. On that basis something nearing art could possibly be produced on a regular basis. This series produced some real gems from all manner of authors as their brief stories and takes on were remade to get a radio market. With high creation values courtesy of the money from the displays sponsor, Philip Morris, the professional authors and cast shipped marvelous works, as we’re about to find out.