Blind Faith Audiobook | BooksCougar

Blind Faith Audiobook

Blind Faith Audiobook



As Trafford Sewell struggles to work through the most common crowds of commuters, he is faced with the intimidating amount of his Parish Confessor. Why offers Trafford not really been loading his every minute of intimate intimacy onto the city website like everybody else? Will he think he’s different or unique in some way? Better than his fellow man and woman? Will he have something to cover up?

Imagine a global where everyone knows everything about everybody. Where just what a person ‘seems’ and ‘truly believes’ is secured under the laws, while what’s rational, also provable is usually condemned as heresy. A world where to issue ignorance and intolerance is normally to commit a Crime against Faith.

Ben Elton’s dark, savagely comic novel imagines a post-apocalyptic society where religious intolerance combines with a confessional sex obsessed, self-centric culture to make a world where nakedness is modesty, ignorance is wisdom and privacy is a dangerous perversion. A chilling eyesight of what’s to arrive? Or something rather closer to what we contact reality?

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