Captain Midnight, Collection 1 Audiobook | BooksCougar

Captain Midnight, Collection 1 Audiobook

Captain Midnight, Collection 1 Audiobook



The adventures of Captain Midnight came to radio in 1938, originally sponsored by The Skelly Oil Organization and later by Ovaltine. Our hero was Captain Jim “Red” Albright, a global War One U.S. Army pilot. His “Captain Midnight” code name was given to him by a general who sent him on the high-risk mission from which he returned precisely at the stroke of Midnight. Albright was recruited by our Government to head the trick Squadron, an aviation-oriented paramilitary organization fighting sabotage and about Captain Midnight, Collection 1 espionage through the period prior to the United States getting into Globe War Two. Captain Midnight and his Key Squadron battled foes including Ivan Shark, Baron von Karp, Admiral Himakito and von Schrecker. The wartime actions were usually beyond your continental United States, with ventures in Europe, SOUTH USA, the Pacific and Asia. Noticed in 15-minute installments, Captain Midnight acquired an audience into the hundreds of thousands. Radio premiums provided by the series included decoders, used by listeners to decipher encrypted messages previewing the next day’s episode. Right now, appreciate 24 consecutive episodes from this high-flying radio adventure series! 12/20/39 #213 ‘Footprints”

12/21/39 #214 “The Doorway”

12/22/39 #215 “The Room”

12/25/39 #216 “The Trap”

12/26/39 #217 “Drinking water Torture”

12/27/39 #218 “Is Escape Possible?”

12/28/39 #219 “Ivan Shark”

12/29/39 #220 “Fight of the Hacienda”

1/1/40 #221 “Questioning Zollinger”

1/3/40 #222 “What’s in the River?”

1/5/40 #223 “The Perada Treasure”

1/8/40 #224 “Ivan Shark Escapes”

1/10/40 #225 “The Fiesta”

1/12/40 #226 “Voice around the Radio”

1/15/40 #227 “The Voice Again”

1/17/40 #228 “The Wreckage”

1/19/40 #229 “Sick and Injured”

1/22/40 #230 “Help for Connely”

1/24/40 #231 Smoke around the Ridge

1/26/40 #232 “Dynamite”

1/29/40 #233 “The Tree”

1/31/40 #234 “Air travel to Ridgeville”

2/2/40 #235 “Separation”

2/5/40 #236 “What’s Occurred to Chuck?”

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