Church of the Trasfiguration on Ilyina street. Velikiy Novgorod. Russia Audiobook | BooksCougar

Church of the Trasfiguration on Ilyina street. Velikiy Novgorod. Russia Audiobook

Church of the Trasfiguration on Ilyina street. Velikiy Novgorod. Russia Audiobook



The audioguide tells the story, represents the architecture and reports interesting facts about the church of the Transfiguration on Elia Road, one of Novgorod’s most significant monuments, directly and definitely from the Byzantine culture of the Paleologist era.

In the III Novgorod Chronicle, of the end from the 17th century, it is stated that “in the summertime of 6886 (1378) the church of our Lord God and Our Savior Jesus Christ was frescoed in the name of the Holy Transfiguration, by order about Church from the Trasfiguration on Ilyina street. Velikiy Novgorod. Russia from the noble boiaro devotee to god, the father, Vasilij Danilovi?, and the city of via Elia. The fresco was made from the Greek grasp Theophane … “.

The first mention of the Church of the Transfiguration from the Savior goes back towards the 12th century. It is associated with the miraculous salvation of the city of Novgorod with the troops of Andrej Bogoljubskij who got besieged it.

According to the story, defending the city was the altarpiece, depicting the “Madonna from the Sign”, that was kept in the church. In 1374, the inhabitants of Elia Street, the main road of the marketplace Area, changed the wooden chapel with one in rock. It was consecrated by Archbishop Aleksej, with the participation of the clergy of the Santa Sofia cathedral. This attests towards the importance the cathedral occupied as well as the prestige of its position. The inside of the cathedral strikes because of its height, for the lighting system as well as for the frescoes that have been preserved by Theophane, the Greek Byzantine musician. You are able to examine the 3D model of the cathedral and observe its interior through the MuByz App. The audioguide has been made by professionals in the field of history and art.

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