Crimes against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama Audiobook | BooksCougar

Crimes against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama Audiobook

Crimes against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama Audiobook



As People in america, liberty is an inalienable correct that is granted to us by God, protected by the Constitution, and upheld by our authorities. However, Barack Obama doesn’t seem to talk about that view. To him, liberty is definitely a threat to the government’s power and something to be squashed by any means feasible, as bestselling writer David Limbaugh shows to devastating effect in his new book, Offences against Liberty. Limbaugh issues a damning indictment of President Barack Obama for encroaching upon and stripping about Crimes against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama us of our specific and sovereign privileges. Installation of his case like he would a criminal problem, Limbaugh presents the evidence’count-by-count’against Obama. From exploiting the financial crisis for political gain, to restricting our personal freedoms through invasive healthcare and ‘green’ insurance policies, to endangering America along with his feckless diplomacy and reckless dismantlement of our nationwide security systems, Limbaugh proves’beyond an acceptable doubt’that Obama is guilty of offences against liberty. In depth and compelling, this is Limbaugh’s most effective book yet.

“In Offences against Liberty my buddy David Limbaugh presents an intensive, incisive, and compelling indictment of Barack Obama and his administration. His analysis and writing abilities and his legal training have never been put to better use-every liberty-loving American has a patriotic responsibility to read this reserve.”-Sean Hannity

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