Dark Is the Sun Audiobook | BooksCougar

Dark Is the Sun Audiobook

Dark Is the Sun Audiobook



Fifteen billion years from now, Globe is a dying planet, its skies darkened from the ashes of burned-out galaxies and its own molten core long cooled. The sunless globe is nearing your day of final gravitational collapse in the encompassing galaxy. Mutations and evolution have led to a great disparity of life-forms, while civilization provides resorted towards the primitive.

Young Deyv of the Turtle Tribe knew nothing of his world’s history or its fate. He resided only to locate the wretched Yawtl who had stolen his precious Soul Egg. Joined up with by other victims of the same thief-the feisty Vana as well as the plant-man Sloosh-he cause across a headache panorama of monster-haunted jungle and wetland. Their search network marketing leads them ultimately to the jeweled wasteland of the Shemibob, an ageless getting from another star who knows Earth’s end is usually near and keeps the only essential to escape.

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