Dear and Glorious Physician: A Novel about Saint Luke Audiobook | BooksCougar

Dear and Glorious Physician: A Novel about Saint Luke Audiobook

Dear and Glorious Physician: A Novel about Saint Luke Audiobook



From Taylor Caldwell, the world-famous book about the triumphant story of St. Luke, man of technology and Gospel article writer

Lucanus grew up in family members of his stepfather, the Roman governor of Antioch. After learning medicine in Alexandria he became one of the biggest physicians of the historic world and traveled all over through the Mediterranean region healing the sick. As time went on he learned of the life span and death of Christ and saw in Him the God he was seeking. To learn all he about Dear and Glorious Doctor: A Novel about Saint Luke could about the life span and teachings of Jesus, whom he never saw, Lucanus been to all the locations where Jesus had been, questioning everyone-including His mom, Mary-who experienced known Him or noticed Him preach. Finally, when he previously gathered all info possible, he wrote down what we now understand as the Gospel relating to St. Luke.

Taylor Caldwell’s own moves through the Holy Land and years of meticulous research produced Dear and Glorious Physician a completely developed portrait of a complex and outstanding man and a colorful re-creation of ancient Roman life. Here is a tale to warm, to inspire, to call forth renewal of beliefs and love lying deep in each listener’s center.

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