Doctor Who - The Lost Stories 1.3: Leviathan Audiobook | BooksCougar

Doctor Who – The Lost Stories 1.3: Leviathan Audiobook

Doctor Who – The Lost Stories 1.3: Leviathan Audiobook



No one lives to old age in the town. When their Time is come, they are taken and never seen again. This is the Method. And, should anyone make an effort to break using the founded order of factors, then the fury of Herne the Hunter is usually unleashed… When the TARDIS materializes near a castle with this mediaeval society, the physician and Peri befriend Gurth, a terrified youth who is attempting to flee his fate. And Herne is normally closing in… Why does the neighborhood baron impose the culling? What is the secret of Zeron? And who are the Sentinels of the New Dawn? The answers lay within a cave…

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