Feck Perfuction: Dangerous Ideas on the Business of Life Audiobook | BooksCougar

Feck Perfuction: Dangerous Ideas on the Business of Life Audiobook

Feck Perfuction: Dangerous Ideas on the Business of Life Audiobook



‘James Victore is an unhealthy man. His suggestions on optimizing your imagination, doing wow work, and creating a existence that inspires will devastate your limitations. And show you how to earn. Read this book fast.’ -Robin Sharma, bestselling author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Begin before you’re ready and additional lessons on living a happy and creative existence: Renowned designer and professional hell-raiser Adam Victore wants to pull you off your couch and toss you headfirst right into a life of bold creativeness..Read More on the subject of Feck Perfuction: Dangerous Suggestions on the Business of Life In Feck Perfuction, Victore will guide you through all the twists, trials, and triumphs of beginning your creative profession, from getting your tone of voice to picking the proper moment to start out a project (hint: It’s right now). Bring your biggest, craziest, most innovative ideas, and he’ll give you the kick in the pants you need to create them real. Filled up with laughter and stern assistance, Feck Perfuction provides ‘dangerous concepts’ for unearthing your genuine self, including ‘the things that produced you odd as a kid make you great today,’ ‘the struggle can be everything,’ and many more. No real matter what market or moderate you function in, this reserve will help you live, work, and create freely and fearlessly. Wayne Victore is an award-winning developer for vibrant believers, an advocate for imagination, a sought after teacher and loudspeaker, and an artist whose work is exhibited around the world. Fans of Austin Kleon’s Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad and Steal Like an Musician: 10 Issues Nobody Told You About Getting Innovative will love Adam Victore’s inspiring publication on embracing authenticity and unleashing your creative self.

Start before you’re ready, live dangerously, take a risk, and various other lessons on living a purpose-driven life

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