Gaslight Audiobook | BooksCougar

Gaslight Audiobook

Gaslight Audiobook



Emilia Fox (Silent See, Rebecca, Merlin) stars as troubled newly wed Bella Manningham in this brand new complete cast audio creation of the common thriller Gaslight. Despite apparently having every advantage and an outwardly doting spouse, Bella is being driven gradually mad… but can the cause of her madness truly be her spouse? What is the dark, terrible, secret lurking in his past, and where does he vanish to each night? Left only in her dingy parlour using the gaslight regularly dimming and the shadows surrounding her, is certainly Bella really going insane? Does Police detective Rough keep all of the answers? Will anybody be able to save her from her darkened destiny…Other cast associates include Sean Connolly as Jack, Helen Oakleigh as Nancy, Rosemary Smith as Elizabeth and Terry Molloy (The Archers, Doctor Who) as Inspector Tough. Written in 1938, and memorably filmed in 1944 with Ingrid Bergman, Gaslight is definitely a classic thriller, and a geniunely tense study of the energy of good and evil…

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