German at Work Audiobook
German at Work Audiobook
- Maybe Theatre Company, Doris Wilma, Martin Brand
- Language Hobby
- 2010-07-15
- 1 h 12 min
This is an audio course for learning by listening for all those people going to work abroad and for individuals who use German at the job. The course includes 10 lessons teaching the most important words and phrases used in normal situations as well as 4 thematic groupings delivering useful vocabulary in various work-places. Each lesson includes: exercises repeating new words and phrases as well as a translation; repetition of example sentences and questions in various situations. BUYING Work 1. Personal data 2. Job interview 3. Experience and certification 4. Employment and payment circumstances 5. Responsibilities EVERYDAY SITUATIONS AT WORK 6. Meeting colleagues 7. Phone discussions 8. Making visits 9. Accidents at the job 10. Solving complications Professional VOCABULARY I. Medication and care II. Resorts and catering III. At a plantation IV. On the building site