Learn Mandarin Chinese for Kids with Paul Noble - Step 2: Easy and fun! Audiobook | BooksCougar

Learn Mandarin Chinese for Kids with Paul Noble – Step 2: Easy and fun! Audiobook

Learn Mandarin Chinese for Kids with Paul Noble – Step 2: Easy and fun! Audiobook



Excite your little language learner with this easy audio course for kids.

Step 2 2 of a 3-step Mandarin Chinese training course follows the relaxed strategy of bestselling language coach, Paul Noble, who also guides children through the fundamentals with no mention of grammar or text books. The just requirement is to pay attention carefully, repeat and most of all, have a great time!

· The course is arranged in short bite-sized topics to listen to in the home or on the go

· Scenarios and phrases to test on holiday, at school or just showing off to grown-ups!

For a long time 8 and above, learning independently or with a grown-up.

Once you’ve finished Step two 2, move to Step 3.

Download the review booklet with all the current track listings from: collinsdictionary.com/assets#kids.

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