Rapid Russian, Vol. 2 Audiobook | BooksCougar

Rapid Russian, Vol. 2 Audiobook

Rapid Russian, Vol. 2 Audiobook



Earworms MBT is arevolutionary accelerated technique that takes the effort out of learning anew vocabulary. By repeatedly hearing melodies specially made up withrhythmic repetitions of Russian, you are going to pick up essential words andphrases that won’t only be on the end of the tongue but burned deeply intoyour long-term memory in following to virtually no time.

If you want music and want to create rapid progress withoutany formal understanding of language learning, Earworms MBT Rapid Russian is for you. Quantity 2 will haveyou talking about yourself (past, present, and future), chatting, and evenflirting. You may experience you are learning within minutes and will be astonished byhow easy acquiring a language can be.

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