Sleep Well: Guided Relaxations and Meditations for a Good Night’s Sleep Audiobook
Sleep Well: Guided Relaxations and Meditations for a Good Night’s Sleep Audiobook
- Sue Fuller
- Blackstone Audiobooks
- 2017-10-17
- 3 h 3 min
Sleep is essential for health and well-being. Rest Well contains six different guided audio practices that have been devised specifically to help relax both body and mind and encourage restful sleep so you wake sense refreshed, recharged, and rejuvenated.They are to be followed by the end of your day just before falling asleep or if you wake at night time and battle to go back to sleep. These audios will encourage deep relaxation. By making relaxation your goal, falling asleep becomes so about Rest Well: Guided Relaxations and Meditations for a Good Night’s Rest much easier.
Sleep Well contains Relaxations for Sleep, More Relaxations for Sleep, and Meditations for Rest, all by leading yoga exercises teacher Sue Fuller.Relaxations for Rest contains two different thirty-minute guided rest sessions that may deeply relax your body and brain, leading you right into a fantastic sleep from which you might wake feeling quiet, refreshed, and revitalized.More Relaxations for Sleep also includes two thirty-minute guided relaxation sessions intended to clear your mind, relax your whole body, and lead you into a fantastic, deep, relaxing rest. Meditations for Sleep contains two thirty-minute led meditation sessions intended to help loosen up and clear the mind, so that the body can unwind, sleep hormones will end up being produced, and drifting off to sleep is achievable.
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