The 11 Laws Likability: Relationship Networking… Because People Do Business with People They Like Audiobook
The 11 Laws Likability: Relationship Networking… Because People Do Business with People They Like Audiobook
- Erik Synnestvedt
- Gildan Media
- 2011-10-04
- 6 h 2 min
Everybody knows that networking is important, which forming associations with others is an essential portion of success. But occasionally it seems like network removes all emotions from the equation and focuses only on instant goals…whereas the type of relationships that have true stamina, give us pleasure, and support us in the long run are founded on just liking each other.
This book, featuring activities, self-assessment quizzes, and real-life anecdotes from professional and social settings, about The 11 Laws Likability: Relationship Networking… Because People Work with People They Like displays readers how exactly to determine what’s likable in themselves and develop honest, authentic connections that become “wins” for all those parties involved. Visitors will discover how exactly to:
Start interactions and keep them choosing ease
Convert acquaintances into friends
Uncover people’s preferences and tweak their own private style to enable engaging, reciprocal connections
Create follow-up and stay in others’ minds long after the preliminary meeting
The worst thing we are able to do when trying to establish an individual bond with someone is to come across as manipulative or self-serving. Authentic contacts go much deeper-and feel much easier-than trying going to self-imposed business cards collection quotas. This publication presents a fresh paradigm that presents how actually the most networking-averse can network…and enjoy it.