The Singingwood Audiobook | BooksCougar

The Singingwood Audiobook

The Singingwood Audiobook



Greed and avarice frequently have terrible implications. When human investors violate the sacred forest belonging to the Tu-Grik-Ng and the alien foliage is normally cut back to Earth, the email address details are devastating to both worlds. Introducing these plant life unchecked into Earth’s delicate environment proves to be ecologically disastrous and on Abahrazha the Tu-Grik-Ng lament the loss of their most sacred forest, the Singingwood. Years afterwards, Tobias matches his fate when his crippled ship goes down around the remote control world, Abahrazha. Searching the remains of the wreckage, Bedukh, the gentle elder of Razha-Giim, locates the dying Tobias and nurtures him back to health. Bedukh’s people have chosen isolation since their first disastrous encounter with mankind and Tobias can be prevented from time for his house on Beta-Tau colony. Rather, he’s initiated into Grikkian culture and learns to live as you of them.

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